Wednesday, August 31, 2011

More Ladies of Magnificent Ladies Wrestling

Melanie Cruise, Lil Bit, Barbi Hayden, December   photos by Wrestlin Wally

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Ladies of M L W

Mean Misty Heat, Sex Kitten Kathy, Crystal Fire    photos by wrestlin wally

Monday, August 29, 2011

Indergender Matches

This taping on September 24th we are bringing in 4 men for possible indergender matches for all of you who love MIXED Matches.....Lot's of these young ladies have competed and defeated many guys so M L W trying to give you what you want, have 4 different males to come and work for has all the info  Here are some previous pics of mixed matches  Photos by wrestlin wally and brain reese

Saturday, August 27, 2011

New York Knockout NIKKI returns in September are you ready???

Great Wrestler, Beautiful Smile, Intelligent Lady   she has it all  Photos by Wally

Friday, August 26, 2011

Claudia del Solis returns in September to M L W

Hair will be flying at M L W in September as Claudia del Solis brings her talented and beautiful body back to M L W for the first time in over a year....The Texas hunny is fed up with being nice and it looking for some girls who want to suffer from her pain   book your match early at  Photos by Wrestlin Wally

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Su Yung, the talented young lady who started her female wrestling career right here at Magnificent Ladies Wrestling in 2009...Su has had a Magnificent career so far, especially for a 21 year old Superstar.....Well September 24th, Su will be coming home, back to M L W    Photos by Wrestlin Wally

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rachel Summerlyn

It was great to have Rachel Summerlyn at her first M L W taping on August 20th and if you have not seen this lady in action you are missing the boat....Talented, beautiful, well-trained and very pleasant to meet, if you get a chance please go see a Rachel Match, you will be glad you did

Sunday, August 21, 2011

NEW Magnificent Ladies Champion

Magnificent Ladies Wrestling crowned the 6th Ladies World Champion in coming history.....Presvious champions were 1) Tasha Simone  2)  Brandi Wine  3) Su Yung  4) Rock and Roll Rock C  5) Veronica Fairchild
and now , your new Champion   MELANIE CRUISE   photos by Wrestlin Wally

Friday, August 19, 2011

Veronica Fairchild Again

Folks, the end of an era is tomorrow at Magnificent Ladies Wrestling.....The blonde bombshell is hanging up her boots, tights and one piece suits.....Hopefully Melanie Cruise will defeat her to keep the M L W World Title but if Melanie happens to lose, we lose the the belt but worse than that, Melanie loses her gorgeous head of hair.....M L W say ""THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU"" to a great Champion, in and out of the ring

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

M L W Ladies World Champion Veronica Fairchild

In honor of her retirement, we @ Magnificent Ladies Wrestling would like to say ""THANKS"" to a great Champion  Photos by Wrestlin Wally and Brian Reese

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

November 12th, She will be here at Magnificent Ladies Wrestling

Yes, it's true, keep watching the calendar fans, MsChif is coming MsChif and her Green Mist are coming in November....Thanksgiving will never be the same

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Don't tell anyone but looks who coming soon

Mia and Allison   Yes   Be watching the line up list    Allison pic by Wrestlin Wally

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nikki St. James

Brian Reese took these great pics of the Beautiful and Talented Nikki aka Nikki St. James.....She is from Chicago and is making a HUGE name in the professional wrestling world from Wisconsin all the way down to Beautiful yet ugly Memphis, Tennessee   August 20th she makes her return to M L W    If you want to order a match with her, you have til Monday night to do it.....I wouldn't want to be the guy who showed this pic to his friend and said, I ALMOST BOUGHT A MATCH FEATURING HER.....your friends would be worried about you

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Havok and Kay

Havok amd Kay are coming to Magnificent Ladies Wrestling...These two wrestling machines have made a name for themselves in professional wrestling...Havok about single handly destroyed the WSU arena just last weekend with Alicia and Kay is totally Magnificent in all her ring work. As a tag team, they are unstoppable

I would order a custom of these ladies any day

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

MELANIE CRUISE wants Veronica Fairchild NOWWWWWW, Part Two

Photos by Brian Reese   WOW, Melanie wants Veronica so bad, she is PUTTING UP HER HAIR to get a match

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

MELANIE CRUISE wants Veronica Fairchild NOWWWWWW

Photo by Brian Reece    This is WHY, Melanie Cruise is putting up her hair in a match with Veronica Fairchild, cause NO ONE, BUT NO ONE bust her open and gets away with it.....Just ask Melanie

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sara del Rey, The Official "Queen of Wrestling""

Sara is wanting to make a HUGE stop at M L W on August 20th and she says she has plenty of worthy opponents and wants you to Book a match with every one of them so she can show why she is the True QUEEN of by Brian Reese  Pictured above with Ref Kellum James

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Look whose coming back in September

     Devon and Josianne will be back at the Magnificent Ladies wrestling studio in Memphis, Tennessee on September 24th for one day only.....I think that means you better hurry cause I know these two ladies day will fill up fast    Photos by Brian Reese

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

They don't call her "Fantasy" without a good reason

Fantasy, the stunning Georgia superstar made her first but NOT last appearance at Magnificent Ladies Wrestling.....She is definitely the super star in professional wrestling.....Welcome to M L W, Fantasy
Photos by Brian Reese